University of Ulster Placement Student: Angela

University of Ulster student Angela in the Acorn Workshop
“I was extremely interested in the work that is done by Bolster Community and all the services and programmes they offer to local people in Newry. I really wanted to be part of an organisation that strives to help others to reach their full potential.
From being at Bolster, I have gained so much confidence, learned so many new skills and have had so many different opportunities in different settings, and with a range of ages. Bolster Community helps people who are young, old and everything in between! Overall, I have gained knowledge on things I had no idea about and learned how to deal with situations I never thought I could handle by myself. I also learned about different jobs and paths that my degree could take me down.
I loved every minute of my placement over the 6 weeks. I especially enjoyed working with Best Club, the Bolster Buddies and Autism Connect, as well as gaining new friends along the way. I also enjoyed the comfortable and welcoming atmosphere at Bolster Community. It made work not feel like work and made me enjoy my time there even more!
I will definitely miss having a routine and seeing all the faces I’m used to seeing on a weekly basis. I will miss all the people I was working with, especially the Candlemakers.”